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What is hot news? Basically, it refers to something that is of high value that is protected under copyright laws. For example, a newspaper can copyright a story about an upcoming concert or a televised event, but it cannot copyright the actual events described in the story. In other words, news can only be protected if its commercial value remains high over a long period of time. Hotnews also has a limited copyright protection period and requires permission to use it.
While HotNews is Romanian in language, it covers a wide range of topics. Its current affairs section has a section dedicated to Brexit, while other current events are covered in the English and Russian versions. It features articles, videos, and podcasts, and updates several times per day. HotNews is one of the most popular Romanian news sites. You can read the latest news about Romanian politics and economy, and even follow the ongoing Brexit debate.
In addition to SAP HotNews, there are also SAP Notes, which are priority 1 (very high) notes that contain information that helps resolve issues with SAP systems. SAP HotNews often contain security-related content, such as code corrections or instructions for updating software components. Most SAP HotNews notes contain a CVE identifier to identify the vulnerability in question. It’s not uncommon to receive up to four or five SAP Notes in a single day.
In the case of the NBA, the court emphasized that hot-news misappropriation claims are not equivalent to exclusive copyright rights. Rather, the Second Circuit held that copyright law barred a hot-news claim. Hot news claims are likely to be successful in rare cases, but there are no guarantees. And, while courts recognize the concept of hot news, the Second Circuit has not. The court’s recent decision will be a mixed bag for hot-news lawsuits.